Friday, April 26, 2013

back slide.

I haven't been doing too well this week.  An excuse in my head is that I gave blood and the guy told me I would be lethargic and have less energy this whole week while my body is replacing the blood I lost.  I don't know. 
I have only worked out twice this week and it's Friday.  I am trying to drink a gallon of water, but I'm lucky to get 3 liters.  (although today I have already had one liter)

I am about to go work out, but I am not feeling it at all.  I have been behind in school. It seems like I am losing my grip on things.
I know I'll get through this, but right now I am seriously lacking motivation.
I just need a swift kick in the ass.

Monday, April 22, 2013

2.5 pounds

I am literally 2.5 pounds away from being under 150 pounds. 
Eating is not as hard as it used to be.  Yes, I still want cookies, popcorn, cake or french fries at least one time every few weeks, but I think my perspective has changed.  I'm not thinking so much about how I am missing out on eating something good.  I am thinking how will this effect my goal next month? It seems like a simple shift, but for someone who loves food and flavor, it was a difficult adjustment. 
I've started to create little mini goals for myself each month.  I think this will help to change it up and keep my body losing fat and gaining muscle.  My goals for May (besides eating clean) is to work on my butt and once a week have a long distance run.  I know it is a little counter productive to work on cardio and building muscle, but I think on one of my off days from weights I can do my distance run.  We will see. 
I have been getting some inspiration about my butt from fitness model Brenna McKenna.  Check out her Glutes below!!
I have also been religiously keeping up with Kelsey Byers blog.  I haven't met her, talked to her or anything, but she seems like such a genuine person with such a positive outlook on life and fitness...and she's a Texas girl!  We don't have the same body type (she is long and lean, I am shorter and a little more muscular...under my fat I'm trying to get off) but she is so inspiring.  I love this shot:
I am going to participate in her 12 week challenge...I just have to buy a paper so I can take my before shots.  I think I will put my before shots and progress shots on here.  I mean, why not...
So until I get a news paper (Sunday???)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Still here...

Well, April has been quite a month for me!  I haven't blogged in a while, but I am still eating clean working out and losing weight.  I am down to 154, and my goal by May is 150!  I think that is a nice reasonable goal.

 I can't believe in 3 weeks I'll be under 150 pounds.  That is kind of like a bench mark for me.  For so long, I was almost convinced that I just couldn't get under 160.  Every time I tried to lose weight I would work out really hard for months, but I would still linger around the 163 range.  I didn't want to think that it was because I was not eating as well as I should have been.  In my head, I wasn't eating pizza and fast food every day, so I should have been losing weight.  In reality, my portions were out of control, I was barely drinking any water, and my sugar intake was through the roof. I think my nutrition is making all of the difference this time around. 

For the past couple days I've been doing to Jillian Michaels "no more trouble zones" work out.   As much as I think I am in shape, I find myself breathing heavily and sweating like crazy.  This week I have been very busy with school (3 tests in the next week) but I am committed to fitting in a good solid work out.  Working out from home has really helped me fulfill this commitment. 
Well, speaking of working out at home, it's about that time.


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Light bulb moment.

To me, the best kind of motivation seems to be when people notice the results from the hard work I put forth every day.  This week I have had co workers notice how my clothes are loose.  People are saying how great I am looking, and that is a great motivator for me.  I also get some serious motivation from other fitness blogs.  These people have done what I am doing, and have maintained a healthy lifestyle.  That is so encouraging to me. 

I feel like I am past the stagnant period where you are working,but its not really taking shape.  Does anyone know what I mean>  It seems like for the first couple months, yes I am losing weight, and I feel stronger, but my clothes are still tight and I still really want sugar.  Now that I am 22 pounds down and 2 months in, I feel like I can do anything.  Maybe I am just having a good week, but I hope I continue to have good weeks. 

I have had a light bulb moment.  When It comes to nutrition, I have been eating clean and having one cheat meal one day a week.  The cheat meal doesn't include drinks, appetizers or dessert.  Yesterday my husband and I had our cheat meal, and afterwords we came to a conclusion. 
 To me, my nutrition is not a diet, but it is just the way I eat to be healthy.  Yesterday when we were eating, I kept wanting to enjoy the food, and I kept thinking how little joy I was getting from the cheat. 

Just in case you want to know, we went to a little local place in Dallas called Blue Mesa (there are a few in the area) I had the street taco meal comes with 3 tacos and a side.  If you don't know what street tacos are, they are little mini tacos.  I had a grilled chicken, goat cheese and avocado, and pulled pork one.  I had soft corn tortillas.  The side was some veggie and a sweet potato hash (basically sweet potatoes peppers and onions)  I couldn't eat the pulled pork taco, but I ate the other two.  Three months ago, I would have thought that this was a "healthy meal", but now I realize this was waaaaay above what a normal portion should be for my body. 

The crazy thing is, I didn't feel like I used to feel after indulging.  I used to feel happy.  Like literally happy to eat poor food.  It was my comfort.  After we ate, I just felt dirty and gross.  Too full...and not comforted at all!

I am not saying cheat meals are bad and you shouldn't have them.  I am sure every once in a while I will have a cheat meal, but it surely won't be once a week.  I just don't think they are for me.  I am focused on my goal of getting healthy, fit and looking goooooood. 

Did I say I signed up for a half marathon the other day?  No, I have never run a half marathon.  No, I have never run a 10k.  It is the Wounded Warrior Project Half that raises money for WWF and the Fisher House.  It is 10 and a half weeks away.  Today is my long run.  My goal is 6 miles. 

Welp, I guess that is all for today!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Butt hurt

So...Today I worked out legs and glutes.  They are my two favorite muscle groups, but also the two groups that make me so tired.  I finished off my workout with stairs and hills.  (worked those glutes for real!)  I feel really tired, but really strong. 

On another note, I have stayed 160 (yes up one pound) for about a week now.  Yes, I have been on my period and probably retaining water, but I don't want that to be an excuse.  I am hoping that it is because I am putting on some muscle.  I am not going to let the weight on the scale get me down (although it seems like it is easy to get sad about it).  I have been doing the work, and more importantly, I have been working hard on my nutrition.  I think next week I am going to get my fat percentage and BMI measured...otherwise I'll have no idea how I am improving (other than the fact that my clothes are starting to get bigger)

Nutrition is pretty hard for me.  I have a notorious sweet tooth.  My best friends have been straight up no sugar added I am watching you be made at Whole Foods Almond Butter and Ezekiel Cinnamon raisin bread.  I only have 1 piece of the raisin bread maybe twice a week, but the almond butter is a nice mid afternoon snack with some carrots, celery and a few slices of red apples.  My sweet tooth also seems to be satiated by the few ounces of berries I eat every day or so. 

Looking at pinterest is hard for me sometimes.  Double chocolate cake with caramel filling and whipped vanilla bean coffee frosting....say what??  I try to limit my pinterest to clothes I will look ravishing in when I get healthier. 
Until then I gotta go drink more water,

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The hardest it's gonna get.

Today while I was running, I was letting my head fake me out.  I was only a mile and a half in, and I was already thinking of how my knees hurt and my muscles burn.  I was tired.  I really wanted to just stop running.  Then I thought if I keep running, this is the hardest it's going to be.
Today is the hardest run.  Tomorrow will be better.  I just keep telling myself that. 

On another note, I found a really delicious Paleo-vegan-organic treat.  One of my favorite things is a nice macaroon.  I LOVE COCONUT! These little guys are delicious.  Just enough of a sweetness to make me forget about pie one the official pi day (3.14)  I found them at whole foods.  Go get some!


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

starting over again.

Twenty pounds.  I'm not talking about British currency. I'm talking about 4 bags of sugar removed from my body as a result of hard work and clean eating. To me it almost seems like a way to measure time.  Two weeks is roughly about six pounds ago.  Ten workouts ago.  14 protein shakes ago.  This picture was me on my wedding day.  I weighed 160 pounds on a five foot four frame.  Sure it's not obese, but it's not healthy either.

When it comes to weight, up and down seem to be the name of my game.  The first time I was ever on a diet was in high school.  I weighed 185 pounds (my highest weight ever) and my step mom helped me get on a diet.  I lost 40 pounds.  I went to college, gained and lost about 20 pounds every eight months or so.  When I met my husband I weighed 140. I was fit and happy.  As I began to be content and happy in a new relationship, I began to quickly gain weight....again.  It is so easy to stop working out and start eating out when you have someone with which you want to spend all of your time. 
At the beginning of this year I had ballooned up to 179 pounds.  I was unhappy with my body, how my clothes fit,  my energy level and probably a whole list of things that I will spare you.  Needless to say, I think I was honestly ready to invest in myself.

What makes this time different?  Well, I think I am just ready to change my life.  I can visualize myself as a fit and healthy person.  I am eating clean every three hours.  Not dieting.  I am working out three days on one day off.  Cardio, weights and a whole lotta Beyonce to keep me going.  Of course, there is my husband for moral support, and for that occasional guidance for questions like, " I really had a hard workout and all I want is a Gatorade can I please please please have one??"  (his answer is always no...and I am so thankful for it!)

As I sit here typing almost half way to my goal, I understand it is not all about weight.  I would like to be 130(ish) pounds, but more than that I would like to be fit, muscular and look really great in a bikini.  If that means I weigh 140, but am lean and toned, I'll be happy.  I hope people will be encouraged by my thoughts, triumphs and struggles.  I will be posting progress reports and pictures to keep you posted!  I look forward to this journey!

Stay Healthy,

The last picture is me last year at Christmas making cupcakes. And I ate a ton of them!! (and a ton of icing with a spoon.)